How to Make Eggs Benedict With Crab

- 1 boîte de crabe avec pinces
- 4 gros œufs extra frais + 2 jaunes
- 150 g de beurre
- 2 muffins anglais
- 2 citrons verts
- 2 cuil. à soupe de vinaigre
- 10 brins de ciboulette
- 1 goutte de Tabasco- sel, poivre
Instructions :
- Squeeze the lemons. In a bowl placed in a water bath, pour 3 cl lemon juice and add 2 egg yolks. Beat until the foam preparation. Gradually beat the diced butter, whisking. Salt and pepper. Keep warm.
- Bring 1 liter of water and vinegar to a boil in a large saucepan. Break 1 egg into a cup and pour in the water with a quick movement. Do the same with the second egg and cook about 4 minutes, until the white is set. Drain. Do the other 2 poached eggs identically.
- Drain the crab and season with a little lemon juice, Tabasco and chives.
- Cut the muffins in 2 and roast them slightly. Garnish with crab and poached eggs. Top with sauce and serve immediately.